
a whole lotta waiting

...summer 2010...
A lot of waiting ensued from May to July, and even past summer.  The biggest issue over the summer was my anxiety over the homebuyer's credit.  At the time, it was originally set to expire at the end of June, but luckily it was extended until October, so I was able to breathe for a little longer.

The listing agent for Wanda was Mr. Chad Alfano, and I was skeptical of him after having been given the run-around from Suzette.  We went a while without hearing a peep from Chad, or the bank - which happened to be Chase.  Now originally, I was ecstatic that the bank we were dealing with was not Bank of America, as I had heard all kinds of horror stories about them and their pathological laziness from Jim.  Unfortunately, as it turns out, Chase is not much better.

In July, I took some of my friends over to see the property before we had dinner at Liberty Market.  (Side story: Liberty Market is a place I will definitely frequent if I get this house!) Anyway, we all drove over right before dark and they got to see the beautiful brick neighborhood; however, the back gate had been padlocked, making it almost impossible to get into the backyard to see the house.  Jumping the gate was just out of the question...

As time passed, we discovered that there were two banks ( or lien holders) on the property, which of course further complicated the process....    

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